Monday, September 22, 2008

New Clothes Alert!

These are just some random outerwear recolours for kids. Just in case they don't like dinosaurs or octopuses on their raincoats. Or if they've been bugging you for some purple outerwear like mine have. There are six snowsuits, six raincoats, and six girls' coats.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Clothes Alert!

Yay! Now your Sims don't have to wear the fugly Maxis pajamas! (Of course, this isn't the first sleepwear I've made. I've made a few other alternatives to ugliness as well.)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Clothes Alert!

Yep... lots of recolours of my cozy fleece pajama mesh. Well, actually, only the kids' pajamas are on my mesh; the toddler version is just a recolour of the standard toddler pajama mesh from the game. There are twelve recolours of each: red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, purple, magenta, black with red details, white, army green, and orange with black details.

I've already used the yellow one in my game for a little boy who likes bright yellow. It's not nearly as dainty as the original pastel yellow that I made.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

New Clothes Alert!

Yes, it's been a recolouring sort of Saturday. I thought I would revisit my Boutique Dress mesh for girls (and then I figured I'd better do the recolours for toddlers, too, before people started asking). I also put up some recolours for my Puff Sleeve Top mesh, which is so much easier to recolour now that CatOfEvilGenius fixed the UV mapping in the armpit. I think I'm starting to dislike UV maps as much as fat morphs. Frankensteining meshes usually requires some heavy-duty changes in the UV map. I kind of messed this one up. But it's fixed now. Yay!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Clothes Alert!

The mesh was such a pain that I only felt like making four recolours. But at least I made some pants to go with them. And some plain t-shirts to go with the pants. There are sixteen pieces in all.